Monday 30 May 2011


To celebrate the International Year of Forests, I am organising a series of creative writing events in woods around Scotland. The project is inspired by the Tree Ogham, otherwise known as the Gaelic Tree Alphabet, an ancient linkage between the letters of the alphabet and particular tree or shrub species. I love the fact that in our cultural heritage there is a strong connection between trees and writing.

The A-B-Tree project will take people for a walk in the woods, share folklore and ecological knowledge about trees and encourage them to get playful with words. I'll be running 18 events, one for each letter of the Gaelic alphabet. Some of the events will be run with schools, environmental and community groups, writing groups and mental health projects.

If you know of a community group that would like to hold one of these fun, creative events, in a woodland venue, do get in touch.


  1. Hello Mandy. Great project! How far beyond Assynt will you venture for these events? I'm sure CWA would be interested in promoting and recruiting for you.
    Cheers, Andrew T.
